Functions for manipulating arrays
Wraps a single item in an array, this may be replaced by array literals at some point.
2.wrapArray() # returns [2]
Asks an array or string if it’s empty, returns a boolean
Filters an array down to unique items
{"input": [1,1,2,2,3,3]}
output = input.unique()
{"output": [1,2,3]}
This is the advanced version of unique which takes a key expression, anything with a null/nothing key will be dropped.
The first item with a given key will be kept, and ordering will be preserved.
{"input": ["a", "A", "B", "b"]}
output = input.unique(this.uppercase())
{"output": ["a", "B"]}
Return all combinations of items in a list, takes an integer of combination length.
{"input": [1,2,3]}
output = input.combinations(2)
{"output": [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]}
Sort the array in ascending order, this will also sort the array by type first.
{"input": [3,2,1]}
output = input.sort()
{"output": [1,2,3]}
This is the advanced version of sort which takes a key expression, anything with a null/nothing key will be dropped.
{"input": [5, 4, "1", null, {}]}
output = input.sort(
{"output": ["1", 4, 5]}
This flattens an array by one level, bringing any arrays in it up into the top level array.
{"input": [[1,2,3],4,[[5,6,7]]]}
output = input.flatten()
{"output" : [1,2,3,4,[5,6,7]]}
This takes an array which is all one type, and combines all the items into one item.
This is implemented for array, object, string, int and double.
type | combine method |
array | append |
object | merge |
string | concat |
int | addition |
double | addition |
{"input": ["hello", "world"]}
output = input.combineAll()
{"output" : "helloworld"}
{"input": [{"a": 1}, {"b": 2}, {"a": 3}]}
output = input.combineAll()
{"output": {"b": 2, "a": 3}}
This takes an array and another array, and zips them together, throwing away the tail of the longest array.
output = [1,2,3,4,5].zip(["a", "b", "c"])
{"result": [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "c"]]}