
Functions for manipulating strings.


Can be called on non-string things to turn them into strings

result = (2 + 2).string() # returns the string "4"

uppercase, lowercase and capitalize

Used for manipulating the casing of strings

a1 = a.uppercase()   # uppercase all of the string
a2 = a.lowercase()   # lowercase all of the string
a3 = a.capitalize()  # capitalize the first letter of each word in the string


Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.

output = input.strip()
{"input": "  hello world \n\t"}
{"output": "hello world"}


Calculates the sha1 hash of the string

hashed = input.sha1()


This is your normal format string application function, it’s called on a string and takes any number of arguments

Insert a simple string

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%s", "arg1": "hello, world!"}
 {"output": "hello, world!"}

Join two strings

 output = input.format(arg1, arg2)
 {"input": "%s %s", "arg1": "hello,", "arg2": "world!" }
 {"output": "hello, world!"}

Pad numbers

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%10d", "arg1": 42 }
 {"output": "        42"}

Supply a lot of arguments

 output = input.format(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z)
 {"input": "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "a" :"a", "b" :"b", "c" :"c", "d" :"d", "e" :"e", "f" :"f", "g" :"g", "h" :"h", "i" :"i", "j" :"j", "k" :"k", "l" :"l", "m" :"m", "n" :"n", "o" :"o", "p" :"p", "q" :"q", "r" :"r", "s" :"s", "t" :"t", "u" :"u", "v" :"v", "w" :"w", "x" :"x", "y" :"y", "z" :"z" }
 {"output": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}

Truncate a string

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%.3s", "arg1": "hello" }
 {"output": "hel"}

Format a double

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%.2f", "arg1": 3.142 }
 {"output": "3.14"}

Convert integer to hex

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%#08x", "arg1": 7 }
 {"output": "0x000007"}

Truncate a double by significant figures

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%.2g", "arg1": 0.00097281289}
 {"output": "0.00097"}

Covert a double to scientific notation

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%e", "arg1": 0.00097281289}
 {"output": "9.728129e-04"}

Right align a string

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "%5s", "arg1": "abc"}
 {"output": "  abc"}

Put a number into a string

 output = input.format(arg1)
 {"input": "my number is %d", "arg1": 42}
 {"output": "my number is 42"}

Format using a string literal

 output = "%s - %d".format(s, d)
 {"s": "mystring", "d": 12}
 {"output": "mystring - 12"}

Combine values from literals only

 output = "%s - %d".format("foo", 71)
 {"output": "foo - 71"}

Combine values from two object properties, for all objects in a list

output = input.extract("%s|%s".format(type, name))
{"input": [{"name": "a", "type": "A"}, {"name": "b", "type": "B"}]}
{"output": ["A|a", "B|b"]}


Looks up the name of an ISO 639 language code, in an optional target locale.

defaultName = code.languageName()
danishName = code.languageName("da")