The url function allows the parsing and transformation of URLs
output = input.url()
The simplest usage is to validate a URL
output = input.url()
{"input": "http://www.google.com/?q=apple"}
{"output": "http://www.google.com/?q=apple"}
A variety of different protocols are accepted
{"input": "https://www.google.com/?q=apple"}
{"output": "https://www.google.com/?q=apple"}
{"input": "ftp://www.google.com/"}
{"output": "ftp://www.google.com/"}
{"input": "mail://www.google.com/"}
{"output": "mail://www.google.com/"}
Fail to parse irregular urls and unsupported types…
{"input": "www.google.com/?q=apple"}
{"input": false}
{"input": 1234}
{"input": null}
{"input": "abc"}
{"input": {"y": "Abc"}}
URL magic methods..
protocol = x.url().protocol
host = x.url().host
path = x.url().path
query = x.url().query
Parse regular urls…
{“x”: “http://www.google.com/abc?q=apple”}{
"protocol": "http",
"host": "www.google.com",
"path": "/abc",
"query": "q=apple"
{"x": "https://www.google.com/abc?q=apple"}
"protocol": "https",
"host": "www.google.com",
"path": "/abc",
"query": "q=apple"
{"x": "ftp://www.google.com/abc?q=apple"}
"protocol": "ftp",
"host": "www.google.com",
"path": "/abc"
"query": "q=apple"
Fail to parse irregular urls and unsupported types..
{"x": "www.google.com/?q=apple"} {}
{"x": false} {}
{"x": 1234} {}
{"x": null} {}
{"x": "abc"} {}
{"x": {"y": "Abc"}} {}
Extracts links from a block of text.
output = input.urls()
{"input": "here's a link: https://idml.io. and here's a second link: http://idml.io/docs/getting-started-html"}
{"output": ["https://idml.io", "http://idml.io/docs/getting-started.html"]}